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Your dog needs a well-balanced diet to stay fit and healthy as well as constant access to fresh, clean drinking water at all times. How much your dog needs to eat will depend on things such as age, how active he/she is and his/her general health. If your dog eats more food than necessary, he/she will become overweight and may suffer.

Always ask your vet for advice on what, and how much, to feed your dog. Dog food can be wet or dry and what is suitable will depend on your individual dog’s needs. Meal times should always be supervised and always make sure plenty of clean, fresh drinking water is available, especially if you choose a dried food, as it can make your dog very thirsty.

Whatever prepared food you choose, always read the manufacturer’s instructions. Once you’ve found a balanced diet which suits your dog, then stick to it.

Changing diets suddenly can lead to upset stomachs. Unless advised otherwise by your vet, feed your dog at least once a day.

Ask your vet for advice if you need to change your dog’s diet for any reason (such as his/her age, activity levels or health problems). If your dog’s eating or drinking habits change, talk to your vet as your dog could be ill.

Be aware that most human meals don’t provide dogs with the nutrition they need and some foods, such as chocolate, onions, grapes and raisins can be poisonous to dogs

Weight watch

There are a few simple regular checks you can make to help prevent your dog from becoming overweight.

*Make sure you can see and feel the outline of your dog’s ribs without excess fat covering.

*You should be able to see and feel your dog’s waist and it should be clearly visible when viewed from above.

*Your dog’s belly should be tucked up when viewed from the side.

If your dog doesn’t pass all three checks, or if you are in any doubt about his/her weight, always talk to your vet.

Diet: Outdoor Activities
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